--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Starting of the analysis: Holding
Saving the set-up file : D:\work\b-zhuhot_01_Holding.pre
Auto-Positioning action : Position Blank
Position object(s) : blank
Onto object(s) : Blank holder , Punch , guide
Along direction : 0,0,-1
With tolerance : 0.001
Value of the displacement = -2.075329e+001
Auto-Positioning action : Position Die
Position object(s) : Die
Onto object(s) : blank
Along direction : 0,0,-1
With tolerance : 0.001
Value of the displacement = -2.838643e+002
Warning 35 : Cycle = -1 Progression = 0.000000 (Time = 0.000000)
The autopositionings have moved the object Die which stroke
is used for progression.
The "start at" parameter is set to -283.864319 and all functions and
sensors are modified consequently !
These modifications are done supposing the process and the
positionings directions are identical !
Activation of the distance to object run end criterion
Between object : Die (node 107, based on direction 0,0,-1)
And object : Blank holder
Critical distance : 1.700000
Estimation of the total stroke
Of the object : Die
To the object : Blank holder
Along direction : 0,0,-1
Closest node : 240803
Distance = 195.364319
Pam-Csm "2G" Solver - Version 2008
(c) Copyright ESI Group 2001-2002.
Running platform : NT
Number of processors : 1
Title : b-zhuhot (01 : Holding)
Number of nodes : 37755
Number of solid elements : 0
Number of shell/membrane elements : 39606
Number of 1D elements : 0
Number of drawbeads : 0
Number of rigid bodies : 4
Number of objects : 7
Size of allocated memory (MBytes): 17
Contact algorithm is active.
Adaptive meshing algorithm is active.
Adaptive angle : 0.100E+02
Activation of curvaturecriterium : yes
Acceleration factor : 0.100E+01
Initial mass scaling algorithm is active.
Minimal time step : 0.629E+03
Progression type is stroke of node number 292
Error : Cycle = -1 Progression = -283.864319 (Time = 0.000000)
*** error *** occurred in flexlm license
我的pam2008在算热冲的时候总是出现上面的报错提示,如果冷冲的话一点也没问题,不知道是不是我的lic有点问题? *** error *** occurred in flexlm license
可能没有LIC吧?? 如果没有lic的话
那2008怎么能用? 如果没有的话,求一个lic,老K帮忙 你先确认是什么问题。。能算其他的PRE吗?? 其他的pre能算
就是在热冲中会有这样的问题 老K怎么没有下文呢? license不支持热分析,鉴定完毕 应该是LIC的原因。。 都谢指导